To book an appointment

Tel: 07803094724
Email: office@manchesterearclinic.co.uk

How to find us

Manchester Ear Clinic, Hadley clinic, 64 Bridge Street, Manchester, M3 3BN

5a Market Street, Oasis Medical Practice, Bury, Bl9 0BL

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CQC Registered Provider and CQC Registered Manager Manchester Ear Clinic Ltd.

Provider ID 1-13578713533

Telephone: 07803094724 & Email: office@manchesterearclinic.co.uk

Mrs Joanna O'Brien, Clinic Manager, is the CQC Registered Manager responsible for the day to day running of the patient service. Mrs O'Brien is a registered nurse with extensive clinical experience in ENT treatments. Manchester Ear Clinic is the provider of the independent healthcare service.

Aims and objectives

The key aim of Manchester Ear Clinic is to safely remove problematic ear wax using a gentle aural microsuction technique to improve people's ear health and well-being. Manchester Ear Clinic’s objective is to provide a safe, high-quality service to adults and children, by a specialist Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) registered nurse, which is compliant with the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009, and the fundamental standards and regulations of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.

Kinds of healthcare services provided by Manchester Ear Clinic

Manchester Ear Clinic provides an independent healthcare service in the form of the following regulated activity: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury. This includes private consultations by an experienced registered nurse, physical examinations and health assessments relating to the ear, aural microsuction of excess ear wax from the external auditory canal, and recommendations to other healthcare specialists as necessary. The service is provided by a highly skilled registered nurse with extensive training and experience in ENT treatments and procedures. Consultations, assessments and ear wax removal treatments are provided in accordance with patient's individual ear health needs but always subject to strict healthcare assessment for suitability. During an initial consultation, an individual general health history will be documented, and patients will be advised of recommended ear wax removal treatments, all of which will be explained prior to proceeding. This includes full costs.

CQC Service Types

CQC Service Type is Community Healthcare Service. CQC Age Groups and CQC Service User Bands Manchester Ear Clinic provides the regulated activity to children (4-17 years) and adults (18-65 years and 65 years +).

To book an appointment, please click here.

Treatment Provider
Treatment Provider
Manchester Ear Clinic offers microsuction performed by Joanna O'Brien, a specialist ENT nurse.
Microsuction is the removal of ear wax/debris using microscopic vision and a gentle suction device.
Our Locations
Our Locations
We are based in Manchester and Bury